We’re teaming up with our co-owner Linas “iron wolf” Matiukas to give back and donate to H4H foundation, and to the Movember Foundation to help with various men’s health issues
While we appreciate the tips for crafting that perfect hot or iced cappuccino, we’d be equally happy to see the funds go towards this cause! Any tips received by Linas are going there 100%, and any profits made during the shifts worked by managers.
More information on Movember – https://us.movember.com/about/foundation?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0oyYBhDGARIsAMZEuMsnHBg9BrOfEZ6b6G-VOdskg4kHqleOnJITzXUQORDGk0IB_9MRLjEaArDUEALw_wcB